NEW Click Feature Added: ‘Course Categorisations’!
At Grey Matter Learning we love feedback and we get lots of it. Whenever we are asked if we could update Click or add a new feature we take note and regularly review this feedback to see where we can improve Click. This month has seen an exciting update in response to some of the most popular requests:
- “Can I add my own training events on to the Click training matrix?”
- “Can you do role based course allocations?”
- “Can we link Click up with our IT/HR system so we can do our reporting in once place?”
- “Can I track my supervisions in Click?”
The new ‘tags’ feature
Let’s take a look at “Tags”, a new feature which allows you to allocate courses for a particular role or category within your organisation. Tags are fully configurable, all you need is the new system admin role and a few minutes to watch the handy help centre article to get started. The lead manager for your account on Click can be set up with System admin rights at any time, just email our support team and they will do the rest.
How can tags help you?
Simply create a tag for “New Starters” or “Managers Induction” and select the relevant courses. Now when adding courses to learners you can select the Tag and filter the courses to quickly show the required courses for this Tag. No more scrolling through 90+ courses or allocating the wrong courses, wasting time for both managers and their learners.
If you have lots of managers working on Click then this will help ensure all learners are allocated the correct courses and enhance your “person centred learning” as you spend less time on the admin and more time with your staff supporting their learning and development. Standardising courses gives employers peace of mind that all current employees and new starters have the required knowledge and competence.
This new functionality also improves reporting to the CQC or your local authority, as it makes it easier to check which staff have completed which courses against their Tag. You can create as many Tags as you need, meeting the individual training requirements for staff across all of your settings.
In summary, we’ve made Click easier to use by allowing managers to allocate courses more efficiently and consistently and improve the reporting processes to the CQC.
Look out for updates to the training matrix and managing external learning events coming soon!