Grey Matter Learning

Improving lives through learning since 2006

Health and Social Care Courses

Grey Matter Learning,
improving lives through learning.

Grey Matter Learning is an award winning, social care eLearning provider. Since its inception in 2006, Grey Matter Learning has established a national footprint and become a household name in the social care sector.

At the heart of our learning is the ‘Know. Understand. Do’ methodology, which places learning and competence in the workplace at its core. Grey Matter Learning are committed to ensuring that training is more than a ‘sheep-dip’ experience and transforms into learning.

Grey Matter Learning take a person-centred approach to learning. Real person-centred learning accounts for what individuals know, understand and do. As a Skills for Care Centre of Excellence, Grey Matter Learning is paving the way in social care eLearning.

Trusted by 3000+ care organisations
Epilepsy Society Logo
Age UK logo
Dimenions logo
Devon County Council Logo
Bluebird Care Logo

Click eLearning platform
for social care providers

Digitalise your Health and Social Care training with a Skills for Care ‘Centre of Excellence’. Access Click eLearning platform and its 130+ Health and Social Care courses and certificates with unlimited access in one simple subscription.

Saving time & costs

Highly affordable eLearning platform with powerful features.

Improving care standards

Evidence compliance and improve quality of care.

Person-centred learning

Creating unique learner experiences through meaningful training.

Competency is key.
Know. Understand. Do.

Our trademark methodology, ‘Know. Understand. Do.’ is the foundation of our online learning system, Click. Our eLearning system improves competency by assessing the learner first, allowing them to concentrate on their knowledge gaps.


Know, through learning.


Understand, through assessments.


Do, through practice and observations

Know Understand Do GML

Over 100,000 carers use the Click eLearning platform

Improve your quality of care with portable, person-centred training






Courses complete

Care England