Leading Change Improving Care 5th September

Leading Change Improving Care is a five day programme for managers and leaders in social care. The programme is delivered virtually by an expert tutor.

The programme is aimed at registered managers and other managers currently working in adult social care settings who want to influence and implement the necessary changes to meet current and future challenges and service needs. It is suitable for both new and experienced managers in the social care sector. It is designed to enable participants to consider their own leadership styles and focus on the impact these have on themselves and their team.

Leading Change Improving Care (LCIC) is a five day programme for managers and leaders. All modules must be attended, there will be no opportunities to catch up or switch between programmes. This is a virtual programme.
This programme will take 5 Days to complete. It is spread over multiple dates to allow delegates to put their learning into practice between sessions.

For 2024, Eligible adult social care (ASC) employers in England can claim staff training costs from the Adult Social Care Training and Development Fund. This includes Grey Matter Learning’s programmes: Well Led, Lead to Succeed, Leading Change Improving Care.

For more information, visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/adult-social-care-training-and-development-fund/adult-social-care-training-and-development-fund-a-guide-for-employers

To be eligible providers must:

Register for this leadership programme

  • Delivered virtually
  • Resources supplied
  • Certificate of completion

£400 per person

Places Available

We are a Skills for Care
'Centre of Excellence'...

Programme Information


This course starts on5th September 2024

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  • Day 1: 05/09/2024 9:00 am
  • Day 2: 19/09/2024 9:00 am
  • Day 3: 10/10/2024 9:00 am
  • Day 4: 24/10/2024 9:00 am
  • Day 5: 07/11/2024 9:00 am


Your course facilitator is

Pam Darroch


This course is fully fundable

Access the Skills for Care Workforce Development Fund to take this course for free.

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Programme Modules

Module 1: Leadership – a shared understanding

  • To understand what leadership is and how it differs from management
  • To understand the behaviours and qualities that produce effective leadership
  • To gain a deeper understanding of individual personality and leadership qualities, strengths and areas for development
  • To understand the power of action learning and how it contributes to leadership learning
  • To appreciate the value of the Leadership Impact Project as a vehicle for ongoing programme learning and action learning discussions

Module 2: Sources of change – looking inwards

  • To explore current leadership challenges
  • To understand change management versus change leadership
  • To consider sources and types of change
  • To understand planned and emergent change and the change equation
  • To develop peer coaching skills

Module 3: Motivations to change – looking around

  • To appreciate the place of clear vision and values when considering change
  • To explore John Kotter’s 8 steps of change
  • To understand motivation and change
  • To understand the Johari Window
  • To develop peer coaching skills

Module 4: Creating a climate for change – looking sideways

  • To understand the power of leadership and honest conversations
  • To explore change resistance – how to spot it and minimise it
  • To appreciate creating a climate for change
  • To understand the Change Curve and peoples’ responses to change
  • To develop peer coaching skills

Module 5: Sharing leadership impact project initiatives and embedding change for future impact – looking outwards

  • To understand reactions to change and how to build resilience
  • To appreciate the power of building a learning culture in teams to liberate potential and innovation
  • To share learning and knowledge and LIP outcomes
  • To develop practical strategies for forward planning for future sustainability
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Online Courses

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Adult Social Care