4 min read/Published On: March 23, 2021/795 words/

Log My Care

What is Log my Care?

Log my Care is an award-winning care management software company and Grey Matter Learning’s newest partner. Their simple and intuitive software is used by hundreds of Carers and Care Managers across the U.K. every day. The best part? The core software is totally free. Yes, you read that right! Log my Care is revolutionising social care by making sure everyone has the option to go digital, even homes that are running on a tight budget. Take it from Clint, the Care Manager of Hamelin, a small mental health home in Devon.

Save time and money with Log my Care’s care planning software

Clint’s home was one of the earliest adopters of Log my Care. “My first discovery of Log my Care was when Sam [Log my Care’s founder] came to a Manager’s Network meeting down in Devon and he showed us the Carer App. I was really interested in the idea of the software and it looked very intuitive, almost Apple-like,” said Clint.

Log my Care was very different to Hamelin’s paper-based system, which involved log books in which Carers wrote out care notes each day. The process required a lot of admin from the Carers.
“It was very time consuming, it took a good hour and a half per day on each staff member,” said Clint. After seeing Log my Care’s product and listening to Sam’s demo, Clint was convinced
that the free care home software would make lives so much easier for his staff.

The fact that the software is free also made it an easier sell to upper management. “I had to convince my senior managers to go digital. They were extremely apprehensive of change and were very concerned about the financial implications,” said Clint. “I did a demo of it for them and created a PowerPoint presentation for them and assured them it was GDPR compliant and safe and they were wondering what the catch was! They were thrilled with it.”

Up and running in a few hours
Hamelin got the green light to go digital. Being good with digital systems himself, Clint got right to work setting up his staff members and residents on the software.

“I set up my whole house within the space of a few hours. It was quite easy to transfer our system over to Log my Care’s software and I was up and running in a few hours.”

As for his staff members who weren’t so tech-savvy, Clint says they were quickly won over by how easy Log my Care is to use. “We have a lot of staff who are technophobes and were very afraid of change. But the training was minimal because it was so intuitive to use the phones.”

Train new hires quickly and report to external professionals efficiently
And when it came to new staff members, they also had no trouble learning the system either. “Each new staff member can intuitively pick it up, it’s never difficult to train them. The Log my Care system is easier to train people on rather than our paper system,” said Clint. “One of the issues with our paper system was the difficulty we had in deciphering handwriting. I found that I’d struggle to read people’s handwriting, they were putting waffle down and spend more time writing longer notes whereas with Log my Care they get right to the point, they can log what food someone’s eaten and how much they’d eaten, there’s no haziness about it. It’s linear. Sometimes the staff would leave the paper books ’til way later in the day and they’d forget information.

Log my Care encourages people to log little care logs more often.” Clint has also found the charts and reports helpful when doing his reviews. “Log my Care is an invaluable tool for us. When I’m doing reviews, I find it very handy to be able to go through previous records, I can search for hospital admissions or if they’d stopped taking their medication or if they’ve changed their medication – I find that really helpful to have that all at my fingertips.” And now that his staff have got the hang of it, they never want to go back to the way things used to be. “They dread the idea of going back to paper! They feel they’ve got with the times,” said Clint.

Go digital today

If you’re interested in going digital for free, click here. All you need to do is pop in a few details and our team will take care of the rest. You’ll be up in running in a few hours, just like Clint!

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