Medication – Supporting and Assisting (Part 1) eLearning course

This online course is for anyone who will be supporting or assisting individuals to take their own medication.

If your role requires you to administer the medication yourself, then you will need to complete this course and also the second online course, Medication - Administration (Part 2) which thankfully is much shorter than this one.

This online training course has been designed specifically for Care and Support Workers working in a social care setting. It may also be useful to a wider audience of people who would like to know more about Supporting and Assisting with Medication.We offer our courses for your LMS as SCORM files. Depending on the scope of what you need there may be a charge for this. Please connect to discuss it with us.
  • Different types of medication
  • Different ways medication can be administered
  • Commonly used medications, what they are used for and common possible side effects
  • Changes to an individual’s wellbeing that may indicate an adverse reaction to medication
  • Legal classifications for medication and drugs
  • Roles and responsibilities for prescribing and dispensing medication
  • Roles and responsibilities supporting someone with medication in your organisation
  • Over the counter remedies and supplements
  • Materials and equipment that can assist in administering medication
  • Ordering, receiving and collecting medication
  • Storing medication safely
  • Principles in supporting the use of medication
  • Using risk assessments to promote independence in managing medication
  • Addressing ethical issues that may arise over the use of medication
This course will take 45 Minutes to complete.

You can access this course as part of the Unlimited Care Package, which includes 130+ courses and certificates, on the Click eLearning platform.

To subscribe, click here.

Alternatively, you can try this free course as a standalone course by filling in the form at the bottom of the page to get instant access.

Medication – Supporting and Assisting (Part 1) eLearning course - Grey Matter Learning

Aims of the Medication – Supporting and Assisting (Part 1) course

At the end of this training course you will:

  • Understand different types of medication, what they are used for and how they can be administered
  • Know about legal drug classifications
  • Know how medication is prescribed and by who
  • Understand your role in supporting people with medication
  • Know how to order, receive, collect and store medication safely
  • Understand the dangers of over the counter remedies
  • Know how to use the risk assessment and promote independence

Already have an LMS? Add this course to your platform as a SCORM file.

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Additional course information

Here are example screenshots of our interactive learning in action. If you would like to see more of the course features before you subscribe, feel free to book a demo with the team, who would be delighted to show you how our online courses help support meaningful training.

As a leading eLearning platform provider, Grey Matter Learning recognises the importance of accessibility in learning. We are proud to have integrated Recite, an innovative tool that enables learners to access eLearning content more easily, regardless of their abilities. With Recite, learners can benefit from text-to-speech in over 65 languages, colour contrast adjustments, and translation of over 100 languages, to enhance their learning experience.

These tools can help to make learning more inclusive and accessible for learners with visual or hearing impairments, as well as those who speak different languages. By incorporating Recite into our website and Click eLearning platform, we are able to provide our carers with a comprehensive and accessible training solution that helps to promote learning outcomes for all learners.

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