Dysphagia and Choking eLearning course
We have all coughed and spluttered at some point when eating and some of us have been unfortunate enough to choke. Usually this happens when we eat too quickly or eat a food that irritates our throat. Cashew nuts with black pepper always make me cough and sneeze so I don’t indulge very often!
Think about the last time this happened to you. At best its embarrassing … that awful coughing, runny nose and watering eyes that makes everyone turn to you and say “are you alright”. At its worst however, not swallowing correctly can be extremely frightening and potentially life threatening.
With Dysphagia you can run the risk of choking every time you eat. Eating should be a fun activity, but this condition can be very stressful if it is not managed properly. Dysphagia is a common condition in elderly people and people who have learning disabilities.
In this online training course we will explain what Dysphagia is, how to spot the signs, and who to refer to. We will give guidance on how to make mealtimes a better experience. We will also provide practical guidance on how to support someone who has Dysphagia and how to help them if they choke or become unwell.