2019 blog review…
Thank you to all of the subscribers to our blog and thanks for all the suggestions and feedback last year. Before we get stuck into the blog proper in 2020, I wanted to take a moment to look back at the ideas and suggestions that were shared in 2019.
Just got your PIR?
Don’t wait until two weeks before inspection to “get ready” for it, there is probably amazing work going on in your service every single day – the trick is to find methods for capturing the evidence on an on-going basis.
CQC Inspection Methodology
CQC have published and the Skills for Care “Lead to Succeed” program describes the methodology that CQC will use they are conducting their inspection – so if we know what they are going to do when they are there, we can get ready for it!
The methodology is: Planning, Feedback, Talking to People, Observation, Talking to Staff and Reviewing Records; the blog back in October goes into more detail with each one.
Linked to the above, the take-away from this post, was building a relationship with your inspector so they know about all of the fabulous work you are doing.
Dealing with complaints during a CQC Inspection
Challenging a rating can be a tricky process, so try to avoid it, but doing some of what we talked about in the previous week and in this post.
Mandatory Training
Linked to Skills for Care fabulous document – Mandatory training, which states “assess knowledge and competence at least annually” and CQC regulation 18.
One Drawer Inspection Kit
One of the most popular posts of 2019 and mentioned at the beginning of our blog journey. Build the inspectors a map (it does not matter if they are CQC, OFSTED, internal auditors or the Local Authority), just make it as easy as possible for them to find what they are looking for.
Outstanding log
Following on from the One Drawer Inspection Kit, if you can add the “Outstanding Log” to the drawer, you have an even stronger map to show the inspector! This is a great example of something that meets my three criteria:
It is simple
It is cost-effective or free
It is impactful
Business as Usual
Do what you normally do; don’t do what you think CQC wants you to do!
CQC Outstanding and Well Led
Another one of the popular posts from 2019: what is the key characteristic of an “Outstanding” provider? Simple: a mindset that, “there is always room for improvement”.
Requires Improvement to Outstanding
Find out how Pam Darroch, a former inspector, supported an organisation to go from Requires Improvement to Outstanding…
Resistance to change (parts one and two)
Problem Solving Circles – Story Time – Growth Mindset!
Succession Planning
Start small and hang on to your talented potential!