Support the use of Medication in Social Care eLearning course

Individuals should, where possible, be supported to use their medication independently. Where this is not possible due to capacity or ability, the responsibility for the safe and person centered management of medicines lies with the care provider.

Anyone providing support to people with their medication should be sufficiently trained and assessed as competent to do so. This online course provides the knowledge for staff to support the use of medication in social care settings.

This course has been created to specifically meet the outcomes in the qualification frameworks and is relevant to people needing to provide evidence against qualification criteria.

  • 1.1Identify legislation that governs the use of medication in social care settings
  • 1.2 Outline the legal classification system for medication
  • 1.3 How and why agreed ways of working must reflect legislative requirements
  • 2.1 Identify common types of medication and their use
  • 2.2 List conditions for which each type of medication may be prescribed
  • 2.3 Changes to physical or mental well-being that may indicate an adverse reaction
  • 3.1 Roles and responsibilities of those involved in prescribing, dispensing and supporting usage
  • 3.2 Explain where responsibilities lie in relation to use of "over the counter" remedies
  • 4.1 Describe the routes by which medication can be administered
  • 4.2 Describe different forms in which medication may be presented
  • 4.3 Describe materials and equipment that can assist in administering medication
  • 5.1 Demonstrate how to receive supplies of medication in line with agreed ways of working
  • 5.2 Demonstrate how to store medication safely
  • 5.3 Demonstrate how to dispose of unused or unwanted medication safely
  • 6.1 Explain the importance of specific principles in the use of medication
  • 6.2 How risk assessment is used to promote independence in managing medication
  • 6.3 Describe how ethical issues that may arise over the use of medication can be addressed
  • 7.1 Demonstrate how to access information about an individual’s medication
  • 7.2 Supporting an individual to in ways that promote hygiene, safety, dignity & active participation
  • 7.3 Demonstrate strategies to ensure that medication is used or administered correctly
  • 7.4 Demonstrate how to address any practical difficulties that may arise when medication is used
  • 7.5 Demonstrate how and when to access further information or support about the use of medication
  • 8.1 Demonstrate how to record use of medication and any changes in an individual associated with it
  • 8.2 Demonstrate how to report on use of medication and problems encountered
This training course has been designed specifically for people working with children and young people and provides focus on residential settings. It may also be useful to a wider audience of people who would like to know more about medication when working with children and young people. The training course provides content to support qualification units relating to residential childcare.We offer our courses for your LMS as SCORM files. Depending on the scope of what you need there may be a charge for this. Please connect to discuss it with us.
This course will take 45 Minutes to complete.

You can access this Health and Social Care online course as part of the Unlimited Care Package, which includes 130+ courses and certificates, on the Click eLearning platform. Starting from just £3, access unlimited learning in one simple subscription.

To start learning, click here.

Support the use of Medication in Social Care eLearning course - Grey Matter Learning

Aims of the Support the use of Medication in Social Care course

By the end of the training course, you will:

  • Understand the legislative framework for the use of medication in social care settings
  • Know about common types of medication and their use
  • Understand roles and responsibilities in the use of medication in social care settings
  • Understand techniques for administering medication
  • Be able to receive, store and dispose of medication supplies safely
  • Know how to promote the rights of the individual when managing medication
  • Be able to support use of medication
  • Be able to record and report on use of medication

Already have an LMS? Add this course to your platform as a SCORM file.

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Here are example screenshots of our interactive learning in action. If you would like to see more of the course features before you subscribe, feel free to book a demo with the team, who would be delighted to show you how our online courses help support meaningful training.

As a leading eLearning platform provider, Grey Matter Learning recognises the importance of accessibility in learning. We are proud to have integrated Recite, an innovative tool that enables learners to access eLearning content more easily, regardless of their abilities. With Recite, learners can benefit from text-to-speech in over 65 languages, colour contrast adjustments, and translation of over 100 languages, to enhance their learning experience.

These tools can help to make learning more inclusive and accessible for learners with visual or hearing impairments, as well as those who speak different languages. By incorporating Recite into our website and Click eLearning platform, we are able to provide our carers with a comprehensive and accessible training solution that helps to promote learning outcomes for all learners.