2 min read/Published On: April 1, 2021/420 words/

April 1st

This year, to celebrate starting our 15th year of supporting the adult social care sector,  we thought we would give away some of our courses for free.

Oh, hang on, it is April 1st!

Actually, this is no April Fools because we already give away some of our courses free of charge to the whole sector and it is one of those courses I wanted to talk about, though only briefly…

Everyone would agree that the past 12 months have been pretty tough and we probably still have some tough times ahead too.  I am sure that some organisations will get away with awesomely funny April Fools today; I quite liked the Google one about self-driving bikes, but given COVID and the situation we are still in, I didn’t really want to go there.

Mental Health and Safeguarding

We are working on some new mental health courses that will probably come out in the summer, so look out for those.  In the meantime, the freebie that is already available is Safeguarding for Managers and Safeguarding Leads.  If you have not seen it yet, go here

As it is Easter and some of us will get some time off, take a moment to reflect on your mental health, now that 2020 is behind us all, and consider these three top tips:

Get plenty of sleep

There is all sort of research about how sleep affects almost everything, which means it is really important so it has a big impact when we don’t get enough.  We all know we should not be on our phones just before bed but we all do it (I do it to set my alarm!).  However, if you are struggling to sleep, make sure you have night mode on and try setting your alarm earlier in the day, so you don’t have to look at your phone and see if that helps.


I know, we all know.  Just try a walk, fresh air works wonders…  Notice how you feel afterwards; it is in this great Skills for Care resilience resource.

Manage Stress

See sleep and exercise above, but if you have not seen our free stress and resilience course, there are loads of useful hints and tips in there.  Find out more here.

I hope you all get to spend some time with your families and friends over the long weekend, but remember it is important to look out for Number One sometimes.  If you don’t look after you, you cannot look after anyone else.

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